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3 days ago - 1Luxembourgish is the national language; German and French are both. In 2001 ARBED merged with the Spanish company Aceralia and the French. These factories primarily produce motor-vehicle tires, chemicals,. Auto Kaufvertrag Polnisch Deutsch Pdf Creator Monday 25 December admin 56. Foodsasom.cba.pl› Auto Kaufvertrag Polnisch Deutsch Pdf Creator Auto Kaufvertrag Polnisch Deutsch Pdf.
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Notre-Dame Cathedral and a portion of the fortress wall in Luxembourg city. Hedin/Ostman Agency Luxembourg is a point of contact between the Germanic- and Romance-language of Europe, and three languages are regularly employed in the grand duchy itself:, German, and French. The peoples of Luxembourg and their languages reflect the grand duchy’s common interests and close historical relations with its neighbours. In the 20th century Luxembourg became a founding member of several international economic organizations.
Perhaps most importantly, the grand duchy was an original member of the (1944), which linked its economic life with that of the and of and would subsequently form the core of the (EEC; ultimately succeeded by the ). The town of Clervaux, in the Oesling, Luxembourg. © twanwiermans/Fotolia Demographic trends The 20th century witnessed a continual internal migration away from the countryside to urban areas, and the growth of Luxembourg’s service sector at the expense of heavy industry has only accelerated this trend. Luxembourg city in particular continues to attract migrants from the rest of the country because of its vibrant banking and finance sector. The increasing concentration of the population in the southwest has led the government to try to locate some industries in rural areas. About three-fourths of Luxembourg’s workforce is engaged in trade, government, and other service occupations, while about one-fifth of the workforce is employed in industry and construction, and the small remainder works in agriculture and other pursuits.
European Court of Justice European Court of Justice headquarters, Luxembourg. Cornischong Luxembourg city is also one of the capitals of the European Union (EU) and, as such, is home to the; the European Investment Bank, which enjoys decision-making independence within the EU’s institutional system; and several major EU administrative offices. Most of the grand duchy’s merchandise trade takes place with EU countries, especially with its three neighbours—Germany, Belgium, and France, which together receive more than half of Luxembourg’s exports and provide some three-quarters of its imports. Luxembourg city: Grand Ducal Palace Grand Ducal Palace, in the old quarter of Luxembourg city.
© Kate Kotova/Fotolia There are also three advisory bodies that are consulted before the passage of legislation affecting their particular area of the national life. The first of these consists of six confederations, three of which represent employers (commerce, guilds, and farmers) and three of which represent labour (workers, private employees, and civil servants). The second advisory group, the Social and Economic Council, has become a major committee for the examination of all projects. The third, the Immigration Council, advises the government on problems involving housing and the political rights of immigrants.