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Hubei, the province in which Hankou (now part of the city of Wuhan) was located The Hankou Incident ( Hankow Incident;: 漢口事件 ( Hankō Jiken or Kankō Jiken)) was an incident that occurred on 3 April 1927 in which rioters and a few military units invaded the Japanese in, engaged in vandalism and looting, and attacked Japanese residents and consular staff. A number of servicemen of the were injured, 150 homes were damaged and the total cost of the destruction was estimated at 920,000 yen. Dozens of Chinese civilians were also killed when Japanese marines fired machine guns at protestors. Some reports suggest that the incident occurred at the instigation of the, however the riots were initially sparked by an altercation between Japanese marines and Chinese workers.
Contents • • • • • Background of the incident [ ] Since about February Chinese people started to uproot and run off with trees and hedges from the mansions of wealthy people and from the Chinese gardens near the Japanese publishing company Doubunshoin just outside the Japanese concession. Before long this spread to Japanese homes.
The perpetrators were mainly women and children but later adult men also turned out and hacked down the trees with axes in broad daylight. Then, when the happened on 24 March 1927 the Chinese spread exaggerated rumors about rapes of Japanese residents and they ominously suggested that if something like that happened in Hankou, they would first target young women. According to Japanese reports, starting half a month before the Hankou Incident, there was a marked trend of Chinese people disrespecting the Japanese and there was a rash of burglaries affecting Japanese homes. Ricksha men forcibly compelled people to ride and when they did demanded outrageous fees, and coolies wrested luggage from Japanese people and similarly made unreasonable demands for its transport. The Chinese furthermore harassed and threw stones at women and starting a week before even started throwing rocks at naval personnel. It eventually reached the point where the Chinese were acting in an insulting manner towards the marches of the.
Several days before the incident, ordered the evacuation of American and British residents but he advised Japanese authorities that their residents could remain as they had sufficient protection. Outbreak of the riots [ ] There is some debate as to how the riots began. According to one source they were sparked by a physical altercation between a Japanese marine and a local ricksha puller, in which the latter was seriously injured. When a coolie attempted to come to the assistance of the ricksha puller, the marine stabbed him through the heart with his sword. Rather than disciplining the marine for his conduct, the Japanese naval commander ordered a detachment of troops to fire machine guns at a crowd of protestors who had gathered around the concession. The conflict between Japanese troops and Chinese protestors eventually led to dozens of fatalities. According to Japanese reports little after 3:00 PM on 3 April Chinese children threw stones at two sailors who were passing by Tsumazuru, a luxury restaurant on Xiechang Road in the Japanese concession in Hankou.
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In the ensuing verbal altercation, about 30 Chinese turned upon the sailors and then a group of rickshaw pullers surrounded them and started to beat them. The sailors knocked over one of the rickshaw men and took refuge in the nearby restaurant Yamayoshi. Immediately Chinese onlookers entered the fray and both Yamayoshi and a neighbouring restaurant, the Naniwa Buffet, were utterly destroyed. To make matters worse, false rumors were spread that Japanese sailors had killed Chinese and that a man had been stabbed with a knife. Just then, near Pinghe Street on the northern side of the Japanese concession, a group of Chinese who were taking part in the celebratory procession of an organizational meeting of the farmers’ association instead stormed the Japanese concession, two thirds of which was engulfed by the mob. When they saw Japanese people, they surrounded them and beat them, and Japanese businesses were attacked one by one.
The attacks of these rioters were undertaken in a thorough and precise manner. The vice-consul Tanaka rushed to the scene when he heard about the disturbances but although he called out to the crowd that he was a consul, he was still assaulted. At the house of a certain Mr.
Tamura near the barbershop at the corner of Nanxiao Road and Pinghe Street the mob found his wife, who was lying in a sickbed shortly after giving birth, and kicked her to death before abandoning her corpse where they killed her. At about 4:00 PM, a crowd of several thousand flying the with children in the lead had assembled but when at the behest of their leaders they let out a shout and tried to descend on the riverfront, a Japanese naval landing force came ashore and firstly shot blanks but then fired off several live rounds.