Benin Nel Oliver Baby Girl Mp3 Download

Oct 03, 2014 THROWBACK VIDEO AND AUDIO Benin-Nel Oliver- Baby girl. CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD AUDIO/MP3. 3 thoughts on “ THROWBACK VIDEO AND AUDIO Benin-Nel Oliver- Baby girl ” Anonymous says: April 28, 2017 at 3:26 pm This is song still sings in.
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There's this kinda old song I'm trying to remember. The lyrics go like: Oh I hate to see you go I know you have your life to live and I can see love in your eyes, Take his hands my baby girl and be his wife forever more, I remember it very scantily, and I think there are some parts of it sung in French.
It has a father-daughter mood to it if I remember correctly. I need the artist's name and the song title, and a download link if possible. Thanks a lot.
3 Likes by Nobody: 1:51pm On Dec 22, 2010. It’s in French, English, Yoruba and Gun (Gun is a Benin Language).