Decrypt Max Script Editor
Ni ko njaa cha full movie. International Business Times, India Edition. • Upadhyaya, Prakash (13 January 2017).. Retrieved 24 March 2018.
Anyone can 'share' anything they like with the entire world. The only thing stopping them from doing so is moral integrity and the fear of a lawsuit if they are caught. This is why they invented registration codes and it is this very real fact that earn some people an income every month, trying to find new methods of protection to make sure the person who uses something is a person authorized to do so.
You can never stop people from stealing, but in the software world it is the exact opposite, people who buy it are willing to give it away to the rest of the world. So what this is about, in my view, is the ability to give people something without giving them the option to modify the source for their own ends or claim ownership for themselves.
I can give you a script that builds an entire racing game and all I ask in return is that you give me credit for my work. You then go and sell the game and say you did all the work. Lucky for me, I built in a function that looks for a command line key and if it finds it it prints a message during the game that this was made with my script. This way, you are in breach and I have caught you out. If you had the source then you could simply remove that check and all my work could be passed off as your own. I would be very grateful for a means of sharing editor enhancements without giving people access to my code. If I give you said plugin for free then I won't mind at all if you give it to anyone you like.
Take this for example: I buy some models from various sites, I use it in the game, I sell the game. As long as I am the only person with access to the source object, it is okay for the entire world to enjoy the product I created with it. Now let's do the same thing with the editor. Let people make editor enhancements others can enjoy without giving everyone access to the source object. I like to use the Torque example again as this is exactly what I meant. (and what I thought the original poster meant) 1. You create your source text 2.
When you run the game, Unity compiles all changed source code into machine readable compiled objects of the same name but with a new extension. Unity only loads the pre-compiled binaries into the build whenever it builds the game. It is an extra step in the build process, that is all: Instead of: Hit Build, compile all scripts into the game, run It now becomes: Hit build, check for changed scripts, build them into DLLs, pack all DLLs into the game, run This means that if you have the source code and the compiled object laying next to each other in your folder, Unity uses only the compiled one. If you change the source, then Unity rebuilds the object. So if you then give away the pre-compiled object, Unity can build the game exactly as it did on the first machine by loading that into the build. Only the guy with the source can change what the object does, but everyone else can still have the same functionality. Basically you turn your scripts into DLLs to offer a level of abstraction between the user and your source code.
They can use the functions you give them, but they can't modify your code. That is what I thought the user meant.