Diablo 2 Median Xl Item Pack
The most popular Diablo II overhaul modification. Median XL is an action RPG with extensive endgame content, deep character customisation and challenging gameplay.
• New skill trees with 35 brand new skills per class. Bored with Blessed Hammer? Median XL: Ultimative offers brand new skill trees. Each class has 30 main skills, 3 uberskills and 2 challenge reward skills. If you ever wanted a crossbow necromancer or summoner amazon, here is your chance! • Improved monsters. When was the last time a frog killed you?
The monsters are much more aggressive and dangerous, and many have learned various new tricks. From quill rats with homing spikes to invisible templars, the monsters will pose a much tougher challenge. • Elite and Heroic monsters. If the normal monsters are tricky, the elites will have you run for your life.
Featuring their own unique attacks and improved statistics, elite and heroic monsters are a match for the strongest heroes. • 40 new uberquests for high level characters.
Forget Battle.net and ‘Uber Tristram’, Median XL: Ultimative has 28 more uberbosses and 12 special uberlevels for high level characters. Defeating them on the highest difficulty yields powerful unique charms. • New base items. Six quality tiers. Median XL: Ultimative features many new class-specific items. Additionally, item stats have been rebalanced and there are now six tiers of item quality, each with better stats than the last. Rumours persist of even stronger Sacred items • New and improved gems and runes.
More gems, more runes and the existing gems and runes have been improved. Plentiful random sockets on items offer a powerful way to customise your items. • Enhanced magic and rare items. Between the improved affix pool and the addition of powerful new affixes including percentage based attribute bonuses, rares are a much improved game option. • An assortment of new uniques and sets. Median XL: Ultimative features over 700 new uniques and 35 new sets. Many of the uniques and all of the sets can only drop in special difficult areas.
• An assortment of new runewords. There are over 500 brand new runewords, most require only a single rune. You can fill the other sockets with jewels and tailor the item perfectly for your character. • New and improved cube recipes. Median XL: Ultimative offers many powerful new cube recipes including a revolutionary crafting system. • Honorific items.
Create blank items and enchant them yourself. Ever wanted to make your very own uniques? • Special challenges for expert players. Beating the game is only half the fun! Reach certain milestones in the game to obtain a special reward. • Rebalanced drop rates to make good items more common.
You may actually see a Zod now. • The Sin War: Online realm. Play on the ladders and join our highly active multiplayer community! Enjoy exclusive online content.