Lidl Urc L 639 Manuals

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• 129 Answers SOURCE: Hello, follow this link to download the manual and the codes for your remotes: just right click and save as on the download links. If this does not work you can try the search method, you do this by either holding down the device button eg: TV or if you have one the 'magic' button for three seconds, a light should then flash twice to say you have done this correctly.

Ages ago I bought a remote control in Lidl. It's a silver Universal 8 in 1 and on the back it says URC L 639. I managed to get the remote to work the box with code 154 although the remote codes go up to about 330 so others.

Then press the keys 991 then the power button. You must now press the channel up key (ch+) possibly upto 150 times while the remote cycles through every code.

Once your tv or device switches off stop pressing the ch+ key and press the power button to make sure it switches back on, (if you press ch+ too many times you can go back by pressing ch-) When complete press the magic or device key again to save the settings (light should flash twice to confirm) Many thanks Mark (For low price replacement remotes visit ) Posted on Feb 25, 2008.

Hi there, got one of these myself. Press and hold 'set' while doing that, press 'TV' Use the up/down keys to select Sanyo, then left and right to try the different combinations (press OK to try one), there's about 30 for the Sanyo (!), so it's a case of trail and error. Write down the ones that work, and pick the one that has the most working functions, you can fine tune the rest (usually) via the learn key, if you have the original remote. I say usually, because I can't get any learned key to work with my Panny DigiBox, so I'm stuck with the preset, which bizarrely doesn't seem to have included the 'i' info key, although everything else plays ball, mostly.