Sonar Instrument Definitions Korg Usa


Just bought BB2016 and want to use the patches ( non GM ) from my Korg M1 VST, but I cant get BB to play the right patch. It seems to randomly chose a patch that bears no rsemblance to the one I am chosing. I am picking the same GM NUMBER in the Plugin part of the mixer, that correspondes with the number of the the patch I want in the drop down menu shown in the Korg VST window, and I get a different patch playing, and cant see the relationship between the two? How do I match up my chosen Korg patch with what BB wants to play?

#348562 - 05/05/16 12:50 PM [Band-in-a-Box for Windows] Re: Korg M1 VST patch assignment []. I looked at this a little more. So far (and I'm still looking at this ), for now, it looks like you must MANUALLY set the M1 for Program mode or Combi mode. This is very interesting, if perhaps a little beyond my normal comprehension of how to make things work in any software, never mind BIAB. If I'm understanding so far. I can convert the Sonar.ini file automatically in BIAB using the method in the link above.

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Steven Panter submits the Sonar Instrument Definitions for the M3. This download also contains the Radias exb additions. 29KB: KSC: Kanoun: Shadi Domooni sends us a multi sample of a real Kanoun that he sampled. 610KB: KSC: Ovation: Anoosh Emam has sampled an Ovation guitar and submitted the files for download. May 5, 2016 - just an FYI, turns out Sonar comes with an Korg M1.ins file but its ONLY for the internal ROM presets (100. Loc: Winston-Salem, NC USA.


At that point the first 100 patches should connect by assigning the relevant patch number in BIAB. If I want to do the same for more patches, I have to change the numbering system as per your last post. Do you do that by opening the new.pat file in Notebook??? Make the numbering changes.

Then save it as a new.pat file. Or is there some other way to make those changes? Sorry I'm really not as deeply conversant with this stuff as you are! #348854 - 05/07/16 07:48 PM [Band-in-a-Box for Windows] Re: Korg M1 VST patch assignment []. First, aside from our discussion on building a.pat file, based on what you said I think you might be confused on how these VSTi's get called up by BIAB (and ANY DAW). Assuming you have a pat file for a certain synth (VSTi), or you do convert the Sonar.ins file to a.pat file, you must STILL tell BIAB, or ANY DAW not just BIAB, to load the Korg M1 or whatever synth/VSTi you want.

BIAB will not CALL UP the Korg M1 VSTi by simply using the Korg M1.pat file. Next, what I was explaining above was how to CREATE a FULL.pat file that has ALL of the Korg M1 patches, not just first factory 100, but all 2600+ programs (aka patches). I was just suggesting a STARTING point: by using the one converted from Sonar (the.ins) by BIAB into a.PAT and ADDING to it. I was NOT suggesting you keep editing the same file over and over or even creating a separate.pat file for each 100 patches (one per card as it were) that would be tedious to use - you'd have to remember which Korg M1 'Card' had which patch and call up that.pat file. Good luck Larry. Thanks Larry, I've got the Korg M1 working with the sonar ini file converted.

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I was already ok with the loading the M1 first, so that wasn't a problem. I'm way ahead now thanks to the forum for your help. My next adventure will be to write these new.pat files. Again I think you are saying use the.pat file I have now and add to it with the numbers you gave an example with. And now you are saying make one.pat file with all the cards included.

Regards #348903 - 05/08/16 12:04 PM [Band-in-a-Box for Windows] Re: Korg M1 VST patch assignment []. Hi Larry, I just did a Korg M1.PAT file, from a.INS file I also created which works in Sonar LE etc.,, just the programme names on the 32 cards, so over 2500 patches, no Combis - do you think these will be useful? I don't seem to get any reliable results in BiaB when trying to select the Higher Bank patches, it doesn't seem to list all the patches unless i manually change the patch banks (in the same box) IMHO it seems the iM1 VST in not really a suitable VST for BiaB unless we can manipulate the choices directly in the VST window from the Biab Mixer window, much like you can do with the same iM1 VST in Cubase. I sort of lost the bubble on this one but (old guy disease = can't remember s&!*).did you manually type (or cut & paste) in all programs from all cards and make a.INS and or.PAT file? If so GREAT, AND you really need to send a COPY to PG Support so they can post it with all the other user made.pat files If not where did you get a full.ins or pat file (at least for the programs if not the combis)? Now back to your question: IN MY OPINION only: No the KORG M1 along with a LOT of synths (hardware and software), and I OWN a lot of synths and ROMplers (for the purists out there) and early on I even wrote.INS,.INI. And.PAT files for my synths, are not exactly 'simpatico' with BIAB.